Since we began family history research, we have been fortunate to meet several "new" cousins. Of course, they have always been part of the family, but I doubt we would have met except for genealogy.
Pat: I was invited to a Staub family reunion in North Dakota in 1999 through Katherine Wilcox. I immediately recognized Harvey Hedeen as someone who had visited our farm when I was a child, and Pat is his eldest daughter. We have continued to remain friends as well as cousins. Pat is my third cousin.
Cecil: In 2003 Cecil placed a query in the WAGS (Waupaca Area Genealogy Society) newsletter. He was seeking information about the Benjamin Hales (1843-1905) family. After I responded to that inquiry, we exchanged an enormous amount of Hales history. Cecil had gathered data about Ben's family who lived in Hancock, and I shared what I had learned about the rest of Ben's siblings and parents. We were able to meet once in Yuma and again in Wisconsin when Cecil was visiting his sister. Cecil is the grandson of Lauretta Hales Wright and is my third cousin once removed.
Gayle: Gayle contacted the Waupaca Historical Society/Genealogy Society looking for information about her grandmother's family. The curator at the time remembered that I was connected to that Smith family. Laura Smith Thompson (1894-1983) was a daughter of Fred and Karen Nelson Smith. Gayle and her husband came to Arizona to meet us in 2005, and we exchanged family information. She is also a third cousin.
Emma: I became acquainted with Emma through Pat and finally met her when we attended a Staub/Leuthold reunion in Montana. Emma was Emma Staub Leuthold's (1854-1930) granddaughter and was able to relate anecdotes about her grandmother. Emma was my second cousin once removed.
*52 Ancestors: "Cousins"
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