Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Huerlimann Puzzle

We had always wondered if there was a family connection with the Huerlimanns. Evidently a young man of that name visited Waupaca County from Switzerland and there were letters exchanged between the Smith family and the Huerlimann family.

There finally seems to be an answer to that puzzle. William Smith, John Henry Smith's brother, married Bertha Hotz in Wisconsin in 1872. Her mother's name was Elizabeth Huerlimann, which explains the "Huerlimann connection." The Hotz and Huerlimann families came from the same area of Switzerland as the Staub and Leuthold families.


  1. I just saw this post! Do you have copies of those letters? Any information in them that might be interesting?

  2. The letters were always mentioned by Aunt Jeanette; she probably remembered them from childhood. None exist as far as I know.
